Sunday, June 20, 2004


These moments, I'd love to go back to my youth where all my surroundings were my buddies and all those persons i can count on completely. Kadang-kadang kayak pelarian, kok gak dewasa banget sih, mau yang serba gampang dan tenang. Tapi, IC tuh indaaaah banget, dan kalau orang bilang kesimpelan dan keindahan itu bikin anak IC gak dewasa, kayaknya salah juga. Wah...dispite all of the fun thing there, we've all been going throuh one of the roughest ime in our lives. let's just count. some of us felt in love, and even had heart breaking there. we rarely meet our parents, and not just that, conflicts between all of us, caused by our closeness, the feeling of God's nearness, one at a time build our maturity...we've grown...
and so we can look tears in each of our eyes at the end of our time, each of us need to go, and continue our life...apakah itu kedewasaan?? kalaupun bukan, mungkin satu tahap ke arahnya. do i love them? as much as i can tell, i do, with my heart...
dan betapa semua badai, gelombang, i believe that i'd be able to face and overcome it, cos i've still got those promises, and faith, that the friendship will lasts...through all those years and's limitless...
Welcome To Our Circling Friendship

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